Commander Cody
This is Cody, our sweet homestead pet boar goat and Rex’s companion. Cody is supposed to be a cart-pulling goat but due to his enormous stubborn streak, he has a lot still to learn!
If we had to pick a favorite animal, it would be our Nigerian dwarf goats, hands down. Known for the best tasting goat’s milk out there, their small, easy to manage size, and their winning personalities, what’s not to love? If you're Star Wars fans, you may recognize the inspiration behind all our goat names!
Every year we reevaluate our herd and make changes based on our goals. Sometimes this means it's time to let some adults go to make room for new genetics. Read each description to find out if any adults are currently for sale.
This is Cody, our sweet homestead pet boar goat and Rex’s companion. Cody is supposed to be a cart-pulling goat but due to his enormous stubborn streak, he has a lot still to learn!