United We Stand… or stood rather. Division lead to civil war, civil war left us wide open for invasion, and invasion has lead to slavery.
This is how the book begins and, in a lot of ways, is coming true today. However, this is not the whole story, nor does it include the most significant character, Jesus.
God is not surprised nor dismayed by current events. He’s not shocked by the twists in our plot. And He has not abandoned us. We need to remember that the One who spoke the stars into existence rides in our chariot. The one who fed thousands with little, meets our needs. The one who divides seas has sealed us by His Spirit.
No matter what the situation looks like, we’re in a good place. If we must fight, He is our defender, our strong tower. If we must stand, He is our solid rock. If we are weak, He is strong. If we fall, He lifts us up. He is our King, He is our Righteousness, He is our strength. If He cannot fail, than neither will we if we keep the Faith. Never give up on Jesus!
We wrote this book in faith during the winter of 2016 and although we tried to publish it, the time wasn’t quite right. Times have changed and ARCHANGEL: The Last Patriots was published in March of 2021. It is fiction, but it begs the question of what are Christians to do?
We live in a nation founded by believers who, unfortunately, had to bear arms against their fellow man in order to secure liberty for all the generations who have enjoyed that freedom from that time on. Now, again, freedom is threatened.
If we agree that the founding fathers did right, what responsibility does that place on us to secure such liberty for those who will follow us? It’s easy to pick a side when it’s history, but what do we do when we find ourselves at the same crossroads in the present?
Our hope is not that this book will provide an answer to these questions, only that it would begin the conversation. In the end, each of us must make a decision in his or her own heart before the Lord. Whatever is not of faith is sin… that is, whatever is not first submitted to the Lord for approval, whether fight or flight, is sin.
The family in this story finds itself at such a crossroads and, by faith, makes a choice that impacts the lives of many. It tests the limits of faith, hope, and love. It scrapes off the dross of a complacent lifestyle and gets down to the core of each element, testing the hearts of each character.
This is where the eyes of God are, on the heart, on who we are when we no longer have anything else propping us up, when it’s faith or nothing.
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“A timely and thrilling story of modern day knights, heroism, and strength of character. An exciting account of survival against all odds and the triumph of good over evil. An inspiring reminder of who we are, why we are here, and where we are going.” ~ R.T.
“Joel and Esther Ribbey take you on a wild patriotic journey into a future post-civil war America, painting a vivid picture of what life could become if democracy is lost and communism prevails. The story is told through the experiences of one American family torn between patriotic duty and their humanity. The Ribbey’s illustrative storytelling ability keeps you on the edge of your seat. It’s a story I won’t soon forget and a day I hope this country never sees. A must read!” ~ A.H.
Back when it all started, the United States had grown so divided that no one trusted anyone. The government, corrupt, had failed. The media fueled division at every turn, and Americans began to kill one another based on hearsay, color, religion, and pure frustration. Too many people were reaping where they had not sown, too many laws trampled people’s freedom.
A second civil war broke out after three years: Left vs. Right, communism vs. capitalism, neighbor against neighbor. No side was willing to consider the views of the opposition and were even less willing to admit their own failures. The government was toppled in an overnight coup and, the following morning, it was all-out war.
In truth, there were four sides to the war: the liberal Left and the conservative Right, those without a cause who took the opportunity to loot, steal, and murder any and all who stood in their way, and those who tried to avoid the whole thing entirely. The Reddings were such a family.
Unbeknownst to America, busy with herself, on the other side of the world, Russia had begun to retake the territories of the old USSR, China had taken Taiwan, and North Korea had gone to war with South Korea. The Middle East had broken out in mass war between Sunnis and Shia, with the other factions taking part here and there. Israel was immediately under siege from all sides but was holding her own.
America’s unrest lasted four years. Millions lost their lives; once proud cities were nothing but ruins. The country was on the brink of self-extinction when an even more horrifying surprise led to an uneasy truce among the Americans who remained. Russia and China invaded.
With the USSR reformed, Russia and China made a pact. Neither country wanted to see the United States recover and become a world power once again, and neither wanted to go to war with the other. So, with the United States distracted, they decided to make their move. Their agreement divided the country in two: the Chinese taking from the east coast to the Mississippi River, the Russians taking all territory west of the Mississippi River.
The remaining Americans were unaware of their plan until ships landed on the coasts. The war had knocked out all mass communication, so there was no warning as the two armies advanced, unchecked, across the country. Within a month, all major cities had been taken with little resistance …
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“From the beginning to the end, this book is filled with the struggles of human thoughts and emotions in times of survival and armed defense. The story reveals the conflict of being human while also being Christian. The family depicted in this book seem real right from the beginning as their internal conflicts are revealed. Their emotions are sometimes raw and even crippling, yet their support of each other and their faith during their journey overcomes their weaknesses and shows the reason why family and friends are so important.
The writers of this book seem to truly understand the brand of patriotism that is ingrained in the conservative mind that speaks to the core of what makes us Americans. I found myself identifying with the words of the mother, but the writer is much more eloquent in putting those thoughts to paper than I am.
The situations that arise seem certainly hopeless during their journey, but all the way; love with wisdom and faith determines their actions and provides the courage needed to win out. Under the guidance of the mother, the love that withstands danger regardless of race, age, or threat is shown throughout the book. At the end of the book, I found myself looking forward to a sequel so that I can follow that family’s story even farther.” ~ S.B.
“A story for now, that mines the depths of one’s soul as you follow the journey of one family trying to find their way through modern civil war, and ultimately invasion. It uncovers all the questions we’re already asking ourselves and shares one family’s perspective. ARCHANGEL The Last Patriots is relevant, relatable, and revelatory. The very values this family holds dear are tested at every turn. Each family member finds something in themselves they didn’t know existed. The ultimate question of “Will it be enough?” will propel you through the story to the last page.” ~ B.J.
“This is a VERY good read from my friends. Suspense thriller, desires of the heart, and the quest for freedom all wrapped up neatly in a novel of possible future times plucked from today’s headlines. It gives a glimpse into future possibilities resulting from today’s tumultuous times, but also what faith, love, and hope can do to overcome what may seem impossible. Each chapter builds anticipation and makes the book hard to put down! Being from Minnesota, it brought written scenes to magical life in my mind’s eye. Highly recommended!” ~ R.P.
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